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All 4 Dragon Train Machines: Battle Princess, Sun Shot, Forever Emperor and Chi Lin Wins.
A Great Session on Magic Emperor: Thunder Empire.
Happy Sunday!!!!! Big Numbers on Pot of Gold, Cash Pot.
Golden Gong, Bull Fighter and Eternal Riches Link, Divine.
2nd Crack at Eternal Riches Link: Blessings and Happiness.
Pushing our Luck. Battle Princess and Sun Shots: Dragon Train.
Riskin it for the Biscuit on Shenlong Unleashed: Khan of Khans and Fortune Town.
Bull Rush Day. Golden Empress, Toucan Twist and Yarr Matey.
Trying Different Bets Again. Silk Road; Genghis Khan and Autumn Moon, Dragon Link.
Bao Zhu Zhao Fu and Mighty Genie; Dragons Wish.
Trying a Different Bet Style on Golden Century; Dragon Link.
Happy Sunday!!!! A Little Refund on Fortune Hearts: Emperors Choice.
NB: These channels above do not endorse or are associated with this site. These videos are for entertainment purposes only so don’t expect to replicate the wins, but you may just be lucky who knows 🙂